Healthcare with Confidence
Diabetes mellitus (DM ), or simply mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high levels of blood sugar. Elevated blood sugar causes symptoms such as frequent urination, increased thirst and increased hunger. Without proper treatment diabetes can cause many complications. Acute complications include diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma. Serious long-term complications can cause cardiovascular disease, renal failure, and damage to the organs of sight.
Diabetes occurs when the pancreas either does not produce enough of the hormone insulin (which regulates the level of sugar in blood) or cells do not respond properly to the insulin that is produced.
For each patient we combine a team of doctors of different fields: endocrinologist, nutritionist, psychologist, nurse, optometrist, nephrologist, cardiologist, etc., that makes the treatment as effective as possible and helps improve the quality of life of our patients.
There are three main types of diabetes:
Type I diabetes – occurs due to ” failure ” to produce insulin. This form is also referred to as “insulin- dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) ” or ” juvenile onset diabetes.”
Type II diabetes – insulin resistance, shape or condition in which the cells are unable to properly use insulin. This form is also referred to as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) or “adult-onset diabetes.”
Gestational diabetes is the third major form , and occurs in women during pregnancy without a previous diagnosis of diabetes. Gestational diabetes usually resolves after delivery. But during pregnancy needs regular treatment and constant monitoring in order to prevent the development of high blood glucose levels.
Program evaluation and treatment is made individually, based on medical documents you sent.
Today in Israel applies a radically new approach to the treatment of diabetes. The main difference in the approach of the Israeli doctors – is to look at diabetes from the perspective not only reduce blood glucose levels, namely, the possibility and necessity of altering the normal course of the disease changing its natural history.
One of the new methods of treatment is intensive insulin therapy. This is a fundamentally new concept of diabetes treatment which changes the course of disease and contributes to its long-term remission greatly improving the quality of human life.
The latest technology for autonomous compensation of diabetes by insulin in the body is a wireless insulin pump and continuous glucose monitoring navigator. More about these technologies, you can read here.
Before the treatment the following analyzes should be done:
- 1. BCC including the work and the level of kidney function, cholesterol
- 2. Complete blood count
- 3. The urine microalbumin
- 4. HbA1C
- 5. Vitamin D
- 6. Blood thyroid (TSH, FT4)
For a trip to Israel please have:
- 1. Apparatus for measuring sugar you are using or writing morning sugar levels before breakfast last week.
- 2. List your menu for the last 3 days.
- 3. Conclusion endocrinologist, as well as information about other health problems (if available).
- 4. A list of drugs that you take.
For your convenience also designed several packages Express survey (Check-up) for children and adults.
Prevention and treatment include a healthy diet, exercise, smoking cessation, adherence to a normal body weight and blood pressure control.
It is important to understand that the timely appeal to professionals immediately after detection of the disease, have a high chance for a successful treatment of diabetes.