Healthcare with Confidence
Treatment of sleep apnea, temporary respiratory arrest during sleep. Obstructive (OAS syndrome), central apnea (CA), mixed apnea. CPAP device that prevents breathing stops. Consultation for foreign patients in Israel online.
Sleep apnea – is a temporary cessation of breathing during sleep. Repeated cessation of breathing during the night causing a significant decline in the quality of sleep.
In Israel, with this syndrome suffer from 6 percent of the population.
Types of sleep apnea.
♦ Obstructive sleep apnea. It may lead to airway obstruction. OSA is caused by omission of base of the tongue and soft palate during sleep, resulting in a blocked air passage. Blocking airways leads to the cessation of respiration and a decrease of oxygen in the blood, which causes a brief awakening for updating and opening the airway. This is usually accompanied by snoring. Cessation of breathing normally lasts from 10 to 30 seconds, but can reach up to two minutes. Frequent awakening effect on the continuity and quality of sleep, which causes daytime fatigue.
♦ Central apnea. Central sleep apnea (CAC) is called the respiratory center in the brain, which in normal operation sends an electrical stimulus or command the muscles to breathe. Sleep apnea can cause serious brain damage. Young children and babies can have a problem caused by a lack of development of this area of the brain. This type of sleep apnea is rare.
♦ Mixed apnea. It comes from a combination of obstructive and central sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea syndrome has many effects on the body, including – snoring, dry mouth, frequent awakenings during the night, tired and sleepy in the morning and during the day. But not always appear any symptoms. To make a diagnosis, you need evidence of the partner, since in many cases the patient is unaware of breaks in your breathing. Obesity is closely associated with sleep apnea. Research found that one in three people suffering from obesity also suffer sleep apnea. Men are more likely to have sleep apnea than women.
Sleep apnea increases the risk of hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and sometimes impaired concentration and depression. The syndrome also significantly increases the likelihood of involvement in an accident.
First, you need a comprehensive examination by a specialist otolaryngologist (ENT), in order to avoid the mechanical cause of the problem. The diagnosis and severity of the disease is determined only by the results of laboratory sleep studies that demonstrate the movement of the respiratory muscles, heart rate, EEG, eye movement, and blood oxygen saturation. Recently developed devices for home testing, but they are still not widely used.
Management of obstructive sleep apnea.
People suffering from obesity are encouraged to observe weight for loss that can significantly reduce the interruptions in breathing or lead to their extinction. CT shows that overweight people fat infiltration leads to narrowing of the airways in the back of the tongue. Weight loss is the disappearance of the tissue. OSA syndrome is difficult to cure without weight loss.
Another device is the device CPAP (CPAP). This device provides continuous positive airway pressure and prevents the omission of fabric air flow. The device looks like a compressor and pressure piping for air. CPAP does not cure the problem, but it does not allow it to break the functioning of the human body. Adapting to CPAP sometimes takes awhile since placing a mask on the face of a person affects his position during sleep.
Recently, it has become also common to use the mobile device to the jaw, which is set on the teeth during sleep. The device pushes the lower jaw and the base of the tongue forward, thereby increasing margin in the throat air passage. This is a good solution for patients who can not adapt to breathing apparatus CPAP.
Surgical management of obstructive sleep apnea.
Devices CPAP or dental devices are intended as aids, but do not solve a physiological problem.
Sometimes patients with obstructive sleep apnea from mild to moderate recommended surgery UPPP, which was originally used for the treatment of snoring. During the operation, an experienced surgeon incision of the soft palate, uvula and tonsils, and creates a passage for better air circulation.
Surgery is a good option for those patients who can not adapt to breathing apparatus, or the jaw apparatus.
UPPP operation is performed under general anesthesia and takes about 3 hours. The chance of reducing the number of apnea up to 90%. This operation is performed by an experienced specialist in maxillofacial surgery.