How to choose a doctor in Israel

How to choose a doctor in Israel

At least once in a lifetime, most of people are faced with a life situation such as choosing a physician or seeking a second opinion. We hope that this information will help you to choose a doctor with specific expertise in Israel.


Right choice of a doctor in Israel


This is not an easy task. A large number of factors must be taken into account, as well as current data from Israeli doctors. Choosing a right specialist will save time and help to find an innovative quick solution. Therefore it’s important to select a physician who has experience and knowledge in solving your medical problem.



So how to choose a doctor in Israel?

Many people rely on the recommendations of relatives and friends or they read materials on the Internet, when they choose a physician. All this, of course, can help, but the recommendations are not based on the professional knowledge of the doctor and do not take into account a very wide range of questions. For example, how doctor’s specialty corresponds to your problem, patient satisfaction, data on the successful treatment and much more. All this is not accessible to people, especially when they are looking for a doctor in Israel.


How can a person know that a specialist will be useful for him as well as for other patients? How about confidence that he will feel comfortable with this doctor?



When you are choosing a specialist in Israel the first step is to study information about the doctor’s qualifications:


  • where he studied, which university he graduated from
  • where he got specialization and which
  • where he got experience
  • how many years of experience



We recommend paying attention to a few points

  • If a doctor has several degrees and a good track record, this does not always mean that he is suitable for you. The physician should also specialize in your medical problem.
  • If doctor publishes scientific articles about patient’s illness or related topics.
  • How many patients with a similar problem were treated by this specialist, how many operations were performed or are performed per year.
  • Be careful when you are conducting too many research. People use the information channels (reviews, the Internet, forums, articles, etc.), which sometimes makes choice more complicated.


Doctor Accessibility

In addition to professional compliance, one of the important issues is the availability of the chosen specialist. You should be able to get advice in Israel quickly enough and to have access to a doctor after consultation in case of any important issues.


Recently, the majority of doctors in Israel provide distance consultations online, by phone, Skype and other Internet channels. You should definitely ask if this option is possible and also whether it is possible to consult remotely after a personal consultation and how much it costs.


The friendliness and sympathy of the clinic staff are very important. Even by phone you can determine whether the clinic staff are friendly in clinic.


Service and Human Attitude

Clinic staff response speed. The qualified medical staff knows how to arrange an initial consultation and / or surgery quickly and easily.


Pay attention to how employees talk to you. Is there caution and sympathy in the conversation?


Some people tend to ignore such a factor as human attitude. This is a mistake, because any case requires special attention. The attending physician should create a feeling of safety and comfort for the patient. Insufficient caution will weaken your confidence about the solution or treatment proposed by the doctor. Therefore, take into account the importance of the relationship between the doctor and assistants, as well as the interaction between you.


It is also important to admit that the doctor has his own character like any other person. There are specialists with a tougher temper, there are softer and more delicate ones as well. But, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the professional level and specialization. The temper does not affect the professionalism of the Israeli doctors.


Cost of treatment

The price usually indicates the demand for a doctor in Israel and the world. This will be reflected in the consultation cost and in the fee surgery if any.


If prices are too low, it’s a sign that the doctor has low attendance.


Recommendations for choosing a specialist

You can ask for recommendations from the doctor’s patients who went through the same procedure in Israel. This is a valuable tool. Not all doctors provide contact information about their patients, but some one’s may agree to ask permission from previous patients and refer you to them.


Tell patients about each step and feel free to ask questions about the doctor and the services they received.


When people turn to us for help and recommendations, we provide information about the doctor who has a lot of focused experience in solving their problem (based on medical data). All our doctors are worldwide known specialists with large experience, heads of departments of large Israeli hospitals and research institutes, who have passed specialization in the USA and European countries. We have accumulated relevant experience and knowledge to assist with the choice of the right doctor and make an appointment in the nearest days.

*The content of this page is for informational purposes only and is not considered medical advice, a professional opinion, or a substitute for consulting a specialist in any field. If you have any medical concerns, you should consult a doctor.

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*Authorized by Israel Ministry of Health
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