Healthcare with Confidence
How test is performed?
♦ Patient must undergo a biopsy of the malignant tumor tissue in Israel.
♦ In addition, patient blood samples are taken (2 test tubes).
♦ Tissue samples and blood are sent under controlled temperature conditions to a laboratory in the United States.
♦ Tissue samples are placed in a laboratory system specially designed to simulate the environment of cancer tissue in the patient’s body.
♦ Cancer tissue is exposed to various procedures and medications indicated by the oncologist.
♦ Various parameters are measured to determine the response to treatment, with a prediction accuracy of 90%.
♦ The test is customized for each patient individually.
♦ CANscript test interprets the parameters and converts them into points.
♦ Evaluation is determined individually for a particular patient and predicts a clinical response to each of the selected treatment methods as follows:
– above 25 points = positive response to treatment – expected decrease in growth or cessation of the disease.
– points below 25 = no reaction to the proposed treatment – no response to treatment.
What are benefits of the test?
♦ Based on data on thousands of patients who passed the test, those who received a score above 25 are included in the group with 90% accuracy in predicting a positive response to treatment. When the score is less than 25, the patients belong to the group for which predicted 100% of no response to the proposed therapy.
♦ The test is designed to obtain a prognosis of treatment by complex oncological methods – chemotherapy, immunotherapy and biological therapy.
♦ It should be noted that the patient is treated only with those drugs that received the highest points of the reaction, which makes treatment most effective.
♦ With the help of the test results, oncologist gets a powerful tool that helps prevent unsuitable treatment.
Getting Results
♦ Results are sent to the oncologist within 10 days after taking a biopsy.
What is unique about the test?
♦ This is the first test, which, based on the predictions of treatment of thousands of patients, confirmed the testimony of previous tests, which proves its reliability and accuracy.
♦ The test is based on scientific research at the highest level and for the first time allows the laboratory to model the patient’s original physical conditions for cancer tissue.
Whom is the test for?
The CANscript test is suitable for patients with the following diseases:
♦ Head and neck cancer: salivary glands cancer, mouth and tongue cancer, larynx cancer, tonsils cancer, nasal cancer.