CANscript test

CANscript is a unique diagnostic


CANscript provides patients and physicians with a reliable prognosis of the response to cancer treatment and also allows to select a personal treatment protocol for each patient, based on the individual characteristics of his body, the tumor and its reactions to certain drugs.


CANscript generating a treatment prognosis that correlates with clinical results


This new functional test is able to predict treatment results for a particular patient and to avoid ineffective treatment dealt with waste of time, toxicity and high cost.


CANScript assesses tumor response for actual treatment


Unlike other tests that classify patients into groups with profiling genomic cancer or manipulate and deform tumor, which leads to a low correlation with the patient’s response, CANscript carefully reproduces the unique tumor microenvironment and ecosystem to assess the individual tumor response to the treatment chosen by the physician, in real time. Thus, the test results can show what will happen when the patient is actually treated.

The result of this test is a higher correlation with clinical results, greater clinical benefit and a significant advancement of truly personalized care.


CANScript tests each modern anticancer drug


CANscript provides a number of significant kinetic and terminal tests to estimate clinical response to each treatment being tested. The platform uses a complicated, clinically prepared method to provide a prognosis for a response to treatment that has been tested with a high correlation to the clinical result.


In order to determine if the test is suitable in your case, please send us medical reports and the current status of the patient, for consultation with our expert.

In case of approval by doctor, the patient should come to Israel and undergo an examination:


  • PET-CT;
  • blood test;
  • biopsy procedure;
  • oncologist’s consultation.


More details: how the test is performed, to whom it suits, how the test results are interpreted.


A high correlation of CANscript predictions with actual clinical results was demonstrated and documented in peer-reviewed publications and major presentations of international medical conferences.

*The content of this page is for informational purposes only and is not considered medical advice, a professional opinion, or a substitute for consulting a specialist in any field. If you have any medical concerns, you should consult a doctor.

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*Authorized by Israel Ministry of Health
מס פניה:#622301

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CANscript test details

  How test is performed? ♦ Patient must undergo a biopsy of the malignant tumor tissue in Israel. ♦ In addition, patient blood samples are taken (2 test tubes). ♦ Tissue samples and blood are sent under controlled temperature conditions...
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