Doctor Yaron ErlichLeading Surgeon – Urology and Urologic Oncology

Position: Head of the Urology Unit 

Hospital: Sharon Hospital (Beilinson), Rabin Medical Center

Dr. Erlich is in the Forbes list of the best Israeli doctors

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Qualified Medical Consultation

  • Laser resection of the prostate using the HOLEP method
  • Benign prostate surgery with a minimally invasive approach
  • Excision of tumors from the bladder
  • Cystoscopy

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Born in Haifa, married, two children.


  • 1989-1990 The Rappaport School of Medicine at the Technion, graduated with excellence (1996)
  • 2001-2007 Urological Surgery, Department of Urology, Rabin Medical Center



2007-2007 Dr. Erlich has a specialization in Urology and Oncology from the Uro-Oncology Society (SUO), which he acquired at the University of Indiana in the United States. The Center in Indiana is one of the world’s leading cancer treatment and research centers.

During his studies, Dr. Ehrlich was exposed to advanced treatment methods and gained extensive experience under the guidance of the best surgeons and oncologists in the United States. After completing his training in Indiana, Dr. Erlich continued his two-year course at the urology department of the University Hospital in Auckland, New Zealand, where he was recognized as an urologist by the New Zealand Ministry of Health.


Memberships in associations and professional organizations:

  • The Israeli Urologists Association (IUA)
  • American Urologists Association (AUA)
  • European Union of Urologists (EAU)


Special interests:

Urological Surgery Oncology

  • Laser resection of the prostate using the HOLEP method
  • Benign prostate surgery with a minimally invasive approach
  • Excision of tumors from the bladder
  • Cystoscopy



Clinical studies in the field of uro-oncology.

Dr. Erlich is a lecturer in scientific conferences in Israel and abroad, he serves as a magazine reviewer and urologist in the Family Physicians journal in Israel.

Dr. Erlich has undergone a training course in HOLEP (Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate) for prostate cancer surgery and now he performs this surgery in a unique way in Israel at Sharon Hospital and Assuta Hospital.

*The content of this page is for informational purposes only and is not considered medical advice, a professional opinion, or a substitute for consulting a specialist in any field. If you have any medical concerns, you should consult a doctor.

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*Authorized by Israel Ministry of Health
מס פניה:#622301

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