Healthcare with Confidence
Below you will find list of the leading Israeli Urologists, Heads of Departments of the biggest Israeli hospitals.
Prof. Ilan Leibowitz – Urologist Surgeon
Position: Head of the Urology Department, Meir Hospital, Kfar – Saba.
Specialty: Oncology Urology and urogenital system surgery, including reconstructive surgery
Dr. Zohar Dotan – Urology Expert, Senior surgeon
Position: Head of the oncourology service at Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer
Specialty: Complex surgery of benign and malignant urological tumors and treatments, Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Professor Jack Baniel – Urology Expert
Position: Head of the Urology Department of Rabin Center (Beilinson), Petah Tikva.
Specialty:Surgical oncology urinary tract and male reproductive system
Dr. Noam Kitrey – Urology Expert
Position: Seniour Physician of the Urology Surgery Department, Sheba Medical Center
Specialty: Functional urology, urination disorders in women and men, Neurogenic bladder, Chronic prostatitis, Interstitial cystitis and others.
Israeli Urologists are:
Heads of Specialized Centers & Research
Focused on Your Disease Treatment Over 25 Years
Adaptable Decision Makers in Advanced Stages
Out of Box Thinkers
First to Apply New FDA protocols
Apply Unique Techniques
Have Numerous Positive Patients’ Reviews
Included in Forbes List of Best Israeli Urologists
Professor Arie Lindner – Urology Expert
Position: Head of the Urology Department, Asaph Ha’Rofe Hospital
Specialty: Diagnosis and treatment of prostatic hyperplasia, laser evaporation technique PSI to detect prostate cancer in particular cases of enlarged prostate.
Dr. Igal Majar – Urologist
Position: Head of Male Fertility and Andrology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel – Hashomer.
Specialty: Cavernous fibrosis, corporoplasty, circumcision. Urethra, bladder, prostate, urolithiasis treatment
Professor Haim Matzkin – Urologist
Position: Head of the Urology Department at the Tel Aviv Medical Center, Ichilov
Specialty: Prostate cancer
Professor Dov Pode – Urologist
Position: Director of the Urology Department, Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem
Specialty: Prostate, bladder, urinary tract reconstructive surgery and male genitalia. Kidney cancer (partial nephrectomy), testicle cancer
Prof. Jacob Ramon – Urologist
Position: Head of the Urology Department of at the Sheba Medical Center, Tel – a – Shomer.
Specialty: Surgical reconstruction of the urinary system
Dr. Eli Rosenbaum – Oncology Physician
Position: Head of Urological Oncology Department, Beilinson Hospital (Rabin)
Specialty: Prostate, kidney, testicular and bladder cancer
Pediatric urology
Dr. Yakov Ben Chaim – Pediatric Urologist
Position: Head of the Department of Pediatric Urology, Tel Aviv Medical Center
Specialty: Reconstructive surgery, hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis, varicocele, hydrocele, circumcision, corporoplasty, hypospadias repair.
Professor Pinchas Livne – Children Urologist
Position: Director, Department of Pediatric Urology Medical Center. Rabin (Beilinson). Head of the Department of Urology Schneider Children’s Hospital
Specialty: Reconstructive surgery, hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis, varicocele, hydrocele, circumcision, corporoplasty, hypospadias repair.
We will recommend you a narrow section physician to treat a certain type of urological problem that makes treatment the most effective.
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