Healthcare with Confidence
Below you will find list of Top Israeli Dermatologists – doctors engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of skin, scalp, hair and nails diseases.
We collaborate with prominent Israeli dermatologists who lead departments in major Israeli hospitals, specializing in the treatment of conditions such as:
♦ Congenital diseases – hemangioma or vascular deformity.
♦ Genetic skin diseases – neurofibromatosis, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, etc.
♦ Autoimmune diseases with skin lesions – pemphigus, lupus, scleroderma.
♦ Infectious diseases caused by bacterial, viral or fungal infections – chickenpox, rubella, measles, scabies, etc.
♦ Skin tumors – angioscaroma, melanoma, skin carcinoma, etc.
Dermatologists use antibiotics and steroid creams for the systemic treatment of skin conditions. Additionally, they may conduct microsurgery to remove affected areas of the skin in certain cases.
Several of our dermatologists have personally developed lines of medications and cosmetics.
Israeli TOP Dermatologists are:
Heads of Specialized Centers & Research
Focused on Your Disease Treatment for Over 25 Years
Managed Numerous Similar Cases
Adaptable Decision Makers in Advanced Conditions
Innovative and Creative Thinkers
First to Apply New FDA protocols
Apply Unique Technologies
Receiving Numerous Positive Reviews from Patients
Included in Forbes List of Best Israeli Doctors
Leading Israeli dermatologists:
Prof. Joseph Alcalai, MD – Dermatologist, venereal diseases, specialist in micrographic surgery
Prof. Sarah Brenner – Specialist in Dermatology. Head Dermatology Unit, Tel Aviv Medical Center.
Prof. Michael David – Specialist in dermatology and psoriasis treatment. Head of the Dermatology Department, Beilinson Hospital.
Dr. Henry Trau, MD – Head of Dermatology Department, Chaim Sheba Medical Center.
Dr. Clara Karabelnik, MD – Specialist in Dermatology and Venerology.
Pediatric Dermatology
Prof. Dani Ben Amitai – Head of Pediatric Dermatology, Schneider, Petah Tikva.
Dr. Avikam Harel, MD – A specialist in the field of dermatology. Head of Pediatric Dermatology Department, Tel Aviv Medical Center.