Healthcare with Confidence
Wrist problems
- ⇒ Arthritis of the wrist and hand: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis at the finger base
- ⇒ Acute tendon injury, nerve and artery
- ⇒ Hand and leg deformation (congenital and acquired) traumatic consequences
- ⇒ Dupuytren contracture
- ⇒ Fracture of the wrist and hand (distal radius, scaphoid, metacarpals and phalanges)
- ⇒ Carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar nerve compression
- ⇒ Spastic conditions (cerebral palsy, post stroke reaction)
- ⇒ Sports injuries of the wrist and hand
- ⇒ Stenosing tenosynovitis (Trigger Finger) and de Quervain tenosynovitis (wrist)
- ⇒ Tumors and tumor-like lesions
⇒ Get Second Opinion of a Leading Wrist Surgeon