Healthcare with Confidence
We provide a Second Opinion from leading Israeli oncology doctors and onco-genetic experts, via Zoom or Skype. Remote consultations are needed in case you are not able to visit oncologist’s consultation in Israel, but you have questions about how to treat your condition in a right way.
You will get a reliable advice from an Israeli medical doctor, a head of the department of one of leading Israeli hospitals, who for many years has been focused on your particular disease treatment and research, and who are in the Forbes list of the best Israeli doctors.
Please Choose a Doctor:
Lung Cancer Breast Cancer Melanoma and Skin Cancer Colorectal Cancer Prostate Cancer Bladder Cancer Lymphoma Cervix and Endometrial Cancer Kidney Cancer Stomach Cancer Leukemia Ovarian Cancer Pancreatic Cancer Multiple Myeloma Brain and Spinal Cancer Head & Neck and Thyroid Cancer
When consultation online is needed?
As a rule, our patients apply for online consultation in cases they are not able to come to Israel for health reasons, but they want to get a second opinion of the leading Israeli doctor. Consultation is also necessary in case of complicated situations and when the proposed treatment methods are not clear to you, or if you want to receive an advanced treatment that is not yet available in your country, but it has been already approved in Israel, or you want to be sure that you explore every available option.
Sometimes our patients also face difficulties in diagnosing, making a decision about the most effective method of treatment, clarifying the need / urgency of a surgery or combining surgery with therapy (immunotherapy, bio-, chemo-, and radiotherapy). This issue also will be discussed with our oncologists on an online consultation.
Our surgeons-oncologists can answer questions about complex operations that are performed in Israel using the most advanced technologies.
Online consultation is also recommended in case you are planning a trip to Israel for treatment. Such consultation allows you to get acquainted with your Israeli oncologist in advance, ask questions in order to better understand the process of diagnosis and treatment of your disease.
Online consultation is also recommended if you want to find out if precision (personalized) treatment suits your case, which genetic tests you need to go through to compile a list of drugs that are suitable for treating you and your tumor. Personalized approach, to date, is one of the advanced trends in Israeli oncology, which completely changes the approach to cancer treatment, expanding the range of options for your tumor treatment.
New methods of immunotherapy for cancer (immunological treatment) and biological treatment, since approved by the FDA are immediately available in Israel. Our oncologists can advise you online if immunotherapy is appropriate in your particular case, and which medications are needed.
Please contact us to clarify the price of the consultation and other details.
After online consultation we will provide an official doctor’s report, help to purchase medicines in Israel and deliver them to your country.
Our oncologists are daily practicing surgeons, specialists in clinical oncology, heads of departments and senior doctors of leading Israeli hospitals.
For online consultation please provide:
1. Detailed summary of your disease, reports and test results.
2. PET CT / MRI / CT / etc.
2. MRI / CT / X-ray disc via / /
⇒ When Israeli Oncologist Second Opinion is needed?