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Oral and pharynx cancer are tumors which are mostly in the cells tongue, floor of the mouth and throat.
Almost all types of oral cancers develop from the squamous cells that cover the mouth, tongue and lips. This type of cancer called squamous cell carcinoma.
Metastasis of oral cancer usually spread through the lymphatic system, cells carried by lymphatic fluid. Cancer cells usually first appear often in neighboring lymph nodes in the neck. They can also spread to other parts of the neck and body.
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All over the world are diagnosed each year about 400 000 new cases of cancer of the oral cavity and oropharynx.
Common symptoms of oral cancer include: stains in the mouth or on the lips, white, a mixture of red and white, or red (colored spots – a mixture of red and white, have a higher potential to transform into malignant, compared with white spots) wound on the lip or in the mouth that does not heal, bleeding in the mouth, difficulty or pain when swallowing, the feeling of a lump in the throat, pain in the ear.
If you experience one or more of these symptoms, contact our experts for diagnosis and treatment. Most often, these symptoms do not necessarily mean cancer. Infectious diseases, for example, can cause the same symptoms. But timely access to a doctor will help to prevent the development of disease and avoid severe consequences.
First of all doctor examines the mouth, posterior pharyngeal wall and the inside of the cheeks and lips in order to detect red or white patches, lumps, swelling, or other problems. Doctor also examines the tongue to assess its condition at the sides and at the bottom. Also examined the bottom of the oral cavity and lymph nodes.
Upon detection of suspicious entities specialist may take a sample of tissue. Removal of tissue for examination for malignancy, called a biopsy. Typically, a biopsy is performed under local anesthesia. Sometimes this is done under general anesthesia. The tissue then tested in the laboratory under the microscope. A biopsy is the only sure way to know whether the anomalous zone malignant.
Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking are the most important factors that cause oral cancer
Oral Cancer Management
There are several Israeli treatment of oral cancer.
Surgical operation. An operation to remove a tumor in the mouth or throat. This is the most common method of treating cancer of the oral cavity. Sometimes the surgeon also removes lymph nodes in the neck to avoid the spread of disease. Some patients undergoing surgery either alone or in combination with radiotherapy.
Radiation therapy. It is a type of local therapy. This treatment affects only the cells in the treated area. Radiation therapy is used alone or in small tumors in patients that can not undergo surgery for any indication. Radiation therapy can also be used preoperatively to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. May also be used postoperatively to destroy cancer cells that may remain in this area.
Today, thanks to sophisticated new screening methods our experts have started to use a new method that can influence the tumor with low doses of radiation in all fractions that allows to raise a total radiation dose and to avoid severe side effects in the future.
If during the operation removed a significant portion of the mouth and tongue followed by reconstructive surgery is performed to restore the organ that allows a person to return to normal life. In this case, there is a complex work of a number of industries professionals maxillofacial surgery and head and neck, as well as surgeons and rehabilitation specialists and plastic surgery.
Using the advanced techniques for the recovery of the lower jaw and the oral tissues doctors borrow bone and soft tissue of the pelvis or of one of the legs and remodel tissue and organs of the oral cavity. Such operations are carried out in close collaboration with dentists and rehabilitation, that allows to restore the jaw and teeth with dental implants, crowns and dentures.
Most patients with tumors in the oral cavity pass surgery. Later stages of the disease are accompanied by surgery in combination with radiation therapy.
For each patient a team of specialists works including experts in head and neck surgery, oral and maxillofacial surgery, ENT doctor, oncologist, a specialist in rehabilitation of the oral cavity. For each patient, an individual plan drawn up diagnosis and treatment.
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