Healthcare with Confidence
Below you can find a list of the worldwide known, recommended doctors-oncologists, Heads of department and Research Centers for melanoma and skin cancer of major Israeli hospitals.
We provide remote consultation, second opinion, online consultation for international patients.
Israeli doctors dermato-oncologists are specialists in treatment of melanoma, organs mucous membranes, uveal melanoma of any stage, as well as other types of skin cancer:
- squamous cell carcinoma
- basal cell carcinoma – basalioma
- Kaposi sarcoma (KS)
- actinic keratosis
- dysplastic nevus – atypical birthmark, etc.
Since melanoma is a wide spread disease in Israel, our specialists have made significant progress in its treatment at different stages.
Our doctors are leading the research in partnership with the American Cancer Institute. The development of new drugs for immunotherapy, biological and targeted therapies, have increased the survival rate for melanoma of the skin, mucous membrane and uveal melanoma – the most aggressive types of skin cancer, and help to prolong life in the later stages and maintain its quality.
You can participate in a clinical research study. Contact us for doctors’ consultation.
Leading dermato-oncologists. Doctors for the treatment of melanoma and skin cancer in Israel:

Prof. Jacob Schachter – Head of the Ella Lamelbaum Institute for Melanoma and Immunooncology at Sheba Academic Medical Center, Chaim Sheba Hospital, Israel. Deputy Director of Oncology Department of Chaim Sheba Hospital.
To get a second opinion of prof. Schachter, please contact us by email, phone or using the contact form.

Prof. Joseph Alcalay – Surgeon. Dermatologist, venereal diseases, in micrographic surgery specialist (Mohs surgery). Head of the Department of Dermatological surgery and Mohs Surgery, Assuta Hospital, Israel.

Dr. Zipel Dov – Head of the Oncological Surgery unit, Sheba Medical Center Tel Hashomer. Responsible at Sheba Hospital for the surgical treatment of melanoma. Member of the Ella Melanoma Research Institute team at the Cancer Treatment Center, Sheba. A senior doctor at the Merav Breast Health Center and is responsible for breast surgery.

Dr. Alon Eran – Head of Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, Sheba Medical Center Tel Hashomer. Specialist in treatment of thyroid and hyperthyroid tumors, salivary gland tumors, tumors in the oral cavity includes tumors in the tongue, upper and lower jaw, melanoma treatment of the head and neck includes a sentinel lymph node biopsy, reconstructive plastics of the head and neck and microsurgical operations, robotic surgeries for tumors in the pharyngeal cavity, treatment of obstructive sleep disorders, lumps in the neck in children and adults.

Dr. Abargil Avraham – Deputy Director of the Otorhinolaryngology Department and Director of the Unit for Sinuses, Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, Tel Aviv Medical Center (Ichilov). Specialist in acute sinusitis, recurrent sinusitis, bacterial and viral sinus infections, recurrent inflammation of the frontal sinus, maxillary sinus, sphenoidal sinus in the skull, chronic inflammations – polyps, mucocilla, mucosal adhesions, sinus tumor removal, cysts in the sinuses, fungus in the sinuses, sinus surgery due to dental problems, benign and malignant tumors, skull base tumors removal, melanoma tumors, soft tissue tumors, tumor of the olfactory nerve, tumors that are not from mucosal cells, tumors arising from the nasal mucosa, bone lesions of the sinuses, inverted papilloma, otorhinolaryngology tumors in children.

Prof. Chaim Gutman – Head of Surgery (oncology) Department, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Hospital. Surgeon-oncologist. Melanoma and skin cancer, soft tissues cancer.

Prof. Maora Feinmesser – Head of the Pathology Institute of Beilinson Hospital, teacher at the Faculty of Medicine, Sackler, Tel Aviv University. Melanoma and Skin cancer.

Prof. Aviv Barzilai – Head of the Dermatology and Venereology Department, Head of the Pathology Institute, Chaim Sheba Hospital.
Our doctors advise and provide a second opinion to international patients at any stage of the disease. You can personally come for a consultation, which will be coordinated before your arrival, and undergo treatment under our oncologists supervision.
We will provide you support, translation of reports with doctor’s recommendations in English.
Doctors also consult on skin melanoma and skin cancer online, based on your reports, diagnostic results, biopsy, BRAF results, and imaging PET CT / CT / MRI CDs. We will promptly coordinate a second opinion of an Israeli oncologist online via Skype / Zoom / WhatsApp / Viber / Telegram.
You will be aware about the date and time of the online consultation within one – two days. After receiving the recommendations of our doctor, you can be treated with new drugs in a hospital in your country, according to the Israeli protocols for the treatment of melanoma of the skin and organs.
⇒ Online consultation of an oncologist
If you are in doubt about your diagnosis, if you want to confirm or clarify it, you can get remote consultation by sending us biopsy blocks and slides using a courier delivery service.
After laboratory diagnostics, our experienced pathologists will make an accurate diagnosis of your disease and determine the BRAF. You can also send us PET CT discs to be interpreted by our radiologists. We will send you the conclusion of the radiologist in English.
Effective treatment of melanoma of the skin and organs can be prescribed only on the basis of the accurate diagnosis.
Contact us:
- to find out the cost of a consultation or online consultation with a doctor
- to choose the specialist you need – dermato-oncologist, pathologist or radiologist
- to find out all the details of the upcoming consultation.
Additional information on the treatment of melanoma and skin cancer in Israel:
⇒ Treatment of melanoma with various BRAF mutations
⇒ Metastatic melanoma management in Israel
⇒ Uveal melanoma (eye melanoma) treatment in Israel
⇒ Adjuvant therapy for melanoma
⇒ Immunotherapy of melanoma in Israel
⇒ Targeted therapy for melanoma
⇒ LDH analysis as a prediction method for melanoma