Cervical cancer is a rare type. It develops in the cervix most women and often shows no symptoms in the early stages.

The main symptom of this disease is abnormal bleeding.
Almost all cases of cervical cancer caused by human papillomavirus ( HPV). There are over 100 different types of HPV, many of which are harmless. However, some types of HPV may cause undesired division of cervical cells, and eventually cause the malignant process.



Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer

In order to make the correct diagnosis in the first place it is necessary to conduct

galka Physical examination, transvaginal ultrasound (TVU) and Pap smear (PAP Smear)
galka Blood count
galka Biopsy – a small sample of cells taken from the cervix. Sample is tested in laboratory for the presence of cancer cells.
galka PET-CT – scan the entire body to identify the process of metastasis.
In some circumstances by the physician may require magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT).



Cervical cancer treatment


Cervical conization – surgical removal of the tapered piece of tissue of the cervix. This method is used for the treatment of pre-cancerous changes in the cervix. The procedure is usually performed in cases does not conform to the Pap smear as a result of the laboratory analysis. During conization on the operated site with stitches that dissolve in the future.


At a deeper common malignant process may require surgical removal of the uterus (hysterectomy)


Total hysterectomy (the most common type) – removal of the uterus and cervix


Subtotal hysterectomy – removal of the main body of the uterus without removing the cervix


Total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy – removal of the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes (salpingectomy) and ovaries.



Radical hysterectomy – removal of the uterus and surrounding tissues, including the fallopian tubes, vagina, ovaries, lymph glands and fatty tissue.


There are three methods for performing a hysterectomy. Method of operation depends on the degree of destruction of the malignant process and is chosen by the surgeon individually for each woman.



Laparoscopic hysterectomy (endoscopic surgery ) – the uterus is removed through several small punctures in the abdomen



Vaginal hysterectomy (open surgery) – the uterus is removed through an incision in the upper part of the vagina



Abdominal hysterectomy (open surgery) – the uterus is removed through an incision in the lower abdomen


Hospitalization for hysterectomy to 2 days. Recovery time after surgery 6-8 weeks.


Hysterectomy may be a consequence of postoperative menopause (in the case of removal of the ovaries), which may require a course of hormonal drugs to restore hormonal balance.



Radiation therapy – the influence on the body a high energy X-rays or electron beams to kill cancer cells.


In most cases this method is used in conjunction with surgery or for metastatic disease.


Treatment time from 5 days to few easy weeks.


Before the procedure, performed CT simulation modeling process where determined destination spot beams for irradiation. Computer software program determines exposure for each person individually.



Immunotherapy of cervical cancer – treatment of metastatic cervical cancer with drugs and methods that are aimed at stimulating the immune system of a woman to fight cancer. Immunotherapy of cervical cancer has much fewer side effects than chemotherapy. Immunotherapy is also used by Israeli doctors in the precision treatment of cervical cancer, i.e. therapy only with those drugs that are suitable personally for each patient, in contrast to standard protocols designed for the average patient. The personalized protocol is determined on the basis of molecular genomic tests in Israel.


You can preliminarily consult our specialist for immunotherapy, molecular genomic tests and also personalized treatment of cervical cancer in Israel.


Learn more about cervical cancer immunotherapy



Chemotherapy – chemicals is aimed to kill cancer cells in the body.


Chemotherapy is used in cases where the cancer has spread in the body, or there is a risk of recurrence.


Curative chemotherapy is aimed at the complete destruction of cancer cells, either by strengthening effect of other therapies such as radiation therapy or surgery to reduce the risk of disease recurrence.


In some cases the chemotherapy is used to relieve the symptoms when the disease at the last stage and goes metastatic spread. Chemotherapy may be used to relieve the symptoms and slow the spread of the disease. This is called palliative chemotherapy.

*The content of this page is for informational purposes only and is not considered medical advice, a professional opinion, or a substitute for consulting a specialist in any field. If you have any medical concerns, you should consult a doctor.

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