Required genetic tests for all women diagnosed with breast cancer

Required Genetic Tests for Breast Cancer

According to the new recommendations of the American Society of Breast Surgeons (ASBrS), all women diagnosed with breast cancer are recommended to undergo genetic testis. These tests are performed regardless of the genetic mutations risk and heredity, in accordance with criteria approved by National Comprehensive Cancer Network(NCCN). Found mutations in women will directly affect treatment.


The new document of ASBrS organization includes five main recommendations:


Genetic Tests Counseling

All medical specialists in breast cancer treatment are trained in genetic testing and they can recommend them to women. In case of a clinical ambiguity, it is necessary to contact the genetic counselor.


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Required genetic tests during medical examination

All women diagnosed with breast cancer must undergo genetic tests. In patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer or with a history of malignant neoplasms, the test should minimally include the following genes:


  • BRCA1;
  • BRCA2;
  • PALB2.


Depending on the results of genetic research, changes are made to the treatment protocol:

  • local therapy;
  • system therapy after breast surgery.


Advanced genetic mutation tests

Women who have already passed genetic tests may benefit from the new and extended options.


Women without a breast cancer history should undergo genetic tests, as recommended by NCCN.


At the same time, the examination of a first-degree relative with this disease is much more informative. If the patient is interested, a family relative without a history of breast cancer may be considered.


Genetic Test Uncertainty

If an unknown variant is identified during genetic testing, it doesn’t affect breast cancer treatment and standard protocol will be continued. Therefore, women must be prepared to live with this uncertainty.


Source: E-Med, Israel; American Society of Breast Surgeons (ASBrS)


Personalized genetic tests

There are several laboratories In Israel that offer a genetic expert counseling for women before or after genetic tests. They provide molecular genetic tests for all types of known genetic mutations in breast cancer in order to implement personalized (precision) medical treatment.



Additional information on the breast cancer treatment in Israel:

*The content of this page is for informational purposes only and is not considered medical advice, a professional opinion, or a substitute for consulting a specialist in any field. If you have any medical concerns, you should consult a doctor.

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