Healthcare with Confidence
Curesponse is a test based on the cResponse ™ platform. This oncotest allows Israeli doctors to define individual cancer treatment protocols and provide personalized treatments for our patients.
The platform precisely recreates the architecture of the your cancer tissue, reflecting the cancer growth in your body. The tissue is grown in a natural microenvironment to value the effects of various drugs and to make selection of appropriate treatments.
Oncologist are choosing medicines based on his own decision, as well as based on our rapid genomic sequencing to identify effective mutations. Upon completion of evaluating, you will get a genomic report and as indicated the most effective treatment protocols based on a special diagnostic algorithm.
Taking biopsy and testing tumor cells in a special environment
Since the oncotest is performed on the “live” tissue of the tumor or metastasis, the sampling procedure should be performed in an Israeli hospital. The extent of surgical sampling depends on the location and size of the tumor (or metastasis). This can be an aspiration biopsy or a surgical excision.
Sampling can also be performed at a hospital in your country, which is less desirable, since in Israel, laboratory specialists cooperate with Israeli surgeons who have specific information and methods for taking a sample for this oncotest, know how much material is needed for the test, etc. But if you are unable to come to Israel, our specialists will instruct your local surgeon on the specifics of taking a sample for oncotest.
After the fresh biopsy was taken, the sample is sent to Israel’s regional center of cResponse ™. A portion of the sample undergoes rapid genomic sequencing to detect tumor-specific genomic changes in a cancer cell that are affected by certain anti-cancer drugs.
Thus, laboratory specialists form a panel of treatment methods that are now available to your oncologist. The tumor culture system based on the original live biopsy material allows to test the sensitivity of cancer to various drugs or new drug combinations that will make the best clinical effect.
How long does it take to test and search for new treatments
The biopsy is cut into thick sections that are placed in a tumor culture system. This system tests the cancer’s sensitivity to different drugs or new drug combinations. The patented cResponse scoring system and response algorithm prioritizes options according to demonstrated drug efficacy.
Estimated time to get results is about two weeks. This test allows to significantly reduce the search time and gain time in case of a dangerous disease. It is also possible to assess the effects of slow-acting drugs such as targeted therapy.
CResponse Test Drugs ™ Report
Upon completion of cResponse ™, laboratory will provide a comprehensive report summarizing the genomic information identified in our quick panel. This report will include the various tested drugs and the action of each drug on your tumor sample.
How to determine the most effective drugs from reports?
The cResponse ™ system uses a proprietary algorithm based on a panel of histological and morphological markers, in which each drug is assigned a score from 0 to 100, where 100 represents a very strong response to therapy in our analysis, and 0 represents a very weak response. The highest-rated drugs represent the most effective treatment option and may indicate a higher chance of clinical benefit.
Research results have shown that cResponse reliably predicts patient response with a high specificity of 82% (9/11) and a sensitivity of 93.75% (15/16) compared to patient imaging results.