Healthcare with Confidence
Jones Fracture – the break between the base and shaft of the fifth metatarsal bone of the foot.
A Jones fracture occurs in a region known as the metaphyseal-diaphyseal junction. This area receives less blood than other areas in the foot, making healing more difficult.
This type of fracture normally results from pressure on the bone caused by repeated motion, but it may also be caused by a sudden acute injury.
The symptoms of the fracture are: pain and difficulty in walking.
A visual inspection supported by X-ray is needed to diagnose the problem.
The doctor will immobilize the leg according to the level of damage and other person aspects. (Person activity and health).
In any case the healing of such a fracture is very long (few months) and the risks of re-injury are very high. For that reason doctors tend to treat this injury with an operation based on a mechanical reinforcement (screw, plate, etc.)
The incision required to repair a Jones fracture is small and the surgery can be done as an outpatient procedure under general or local anesthesia.
A person who has had surgery to repair a Jones fracture can expect a return to all activity, including sports, 3-4 months after surgery. Physical therapy is recommended to recondition the injured area faster.
⇒ Leading Israeli Orthopedic Doctors Second Opinion