Best Doctors of Israel 2022 – Forbes Ranking

Best Israeli doctors 2022 Forbes

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Please find below the list of the best Israeli doctors in 2022 in the central area of Israel according to the annual Forbes ranking.

Best Oncologists of Israel
Best Hematologists of Israel
Best Urologists of Israel
Best Orthopedists of Israel
Best Cardiologists and Cardiac Surgeons
Best Gastroenterologists of Israel
Best ENT, Head & Neck Surgeons of Israel
Best Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons in Israel

Forbes consulted dozens of doctors in each medical field and asked them to recommend other great doctors in each of the subspecialties that make up their area of ​​expertise with the exception of the narrow specialty in which they are engaged. It was done in order to reduce possibility of personal bias.

There is a Forbes list of oncologists, cardiologists, orthopedists, urologists, rheumatologists and other specialists who have many years of experience in a specific field and great recommendations.

You can book an online consultation or a second opinion of a doctor from the Forbes doctors in Israel 2022 list by phone, chat or instant messengers – Viber, Whatsapp. We will coordinate and schedule a consultation with a specialized doctor or professor as soon as possible.


Best Oncologists of Israel 2022

Head and neck tumors

Prof. Ben-Yosef Rahamim – Head of the Radiology Institute, Oncology Department at the Rambam Medical Center. Responsible for the field of radioactive iodine treatment in Assuta center. Expert for head and neck tumors.

Dr. Salem Blanc – Director of the head and neck cancer unit, Fishman Oncology Center, Rambam Medical Center

Prof. Popovitzer Aharon – Head of the Oncology Institute, otolaryngologist. Radiotherapy and oncology, specialist in head and neck, skin and gland cancer, thyroid cancer, Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center

Dr. Tsuk-Shina Tzahala –  Head of the neuro-oncology unit in the Oncology Department, Rambam Medical Center

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Best Neuro-Oncologists, brain and spine cancer 

Dr. Bokstein Felix – Director of the neuro-oncology service, Tel Aviv medical center (Ichilov)

Prof. Deborah Blumenthal – Co-director of the neuro-oncology service, Tel Aviv Medical Center (Ichilov)

Prof. Losos Alexander – Head of the neuro-oncology unit, center Leslie and Michael Gaffin Sharett Institute, Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center

Prof. Siegal Tali – Head of neuro-oncology center, Hadassah Medical Center.

Prof. Gordon Carlos – Director of Unit for postural disorders and dizziness, Meir Medical center

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Lung Cancer

Dr. Gottfried Maya –  Director of the Oncology Institute, Meir Medical Center

Dr. Urban Damian – Oncologist in Lung Cancer department, Sheba Medical Center

Dr. Bar Yair – Unit manager of lung oncology, Sheba Medical Center

Prof. Peled Nir – Director of the Oncology Department,  Shaare Tsedek Medical Center

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Breast cancer

Dr. Ben-Baruch Noa –  Head of the oncology department at the Kaplan Medical center

Prof. Yablonsky-Peretz Tamar – Senior doctor,  Director of an SERT oncology institute at Hadassah Medical Center

Prof. Rinat Yerushalmi –  Director of Breast Oncology Unit, Davidoff Center, Beilinson Hospital

Dr. Evron Ella – Director of  Breast Oncology Unit, Ichilov medical center and  the hospital Shamir (Assaf Harofeh). Doctor at the Oncology institute, Assuta Hospital

Prof. Inbar Moshe –  Head of Oncology Department at Ichilov medical center Tel Aviv. Oncology consultant,  Assuta medical center

Dr. Palouch-Shimon Shani –  Director of Breast Medicine Unit, Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center

Dr. Rosengarten Ora –  Director of  Gynecological Oncology Unit, Shaare Zedek Medical Center

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Best Breast Surgeons in Israel – 2022

Dr. Barsuk Dafna – Specialist for general surgery and breast surgery oncologist, Assuta Hospital. Oncological breast surgeon. Specialist in surgical treatment of breast cancer and oncoplastic surgeries with breast reconstructions during the oncological surgery.

Dr. Khativ Marian – Senior surgeon, director of the breast surgery center in Ichilov, Tel Aviv Medical Center (Ichilov). Breast cancer surgeries, onco-plastic and reconstructive surgeries, underarm lymph node surgeries SLNB, surgeries to treat benign breast lumps.

Dr. Carmon Moshe – Head of the for breast surgery unit, Tel Aviv Medical Center (Ichilov). Intraoperative ultrasound to improve the results of breast-conserving surgeries, oncoplastic techniques, advanced techniques of complete breast resections.

Prof. Menes Tehila – Head of the breast surgery unit, Sheba Medical Center Tel Hashomer. Breast conservation (lumpectomy), mastectomy, skin conserving mastectomy, nipple conserving mastectomy, sentinel lymph node biopsy,
armpit dissection.

Prof. Pappa Moshe – Expert in surgery general and oncological surgery. Breast and gastrointestinal surgery. Breast surgeries to remove lumps and tumors (lumpectomy), sentinel lymph node biopsy, intraoperative radiation: partial resection with a sentinel node combined with intraoperative radiation, complementary surgeries, extended partial mastectomy surgery combined plastic surgeon – oncoplasty, mastectomy with or without reconstruction and preservation of aesthetics, simple excision without reconstruction, complete mastectomy with breast reconstruction (with an implant or using autologous tissue), full mastectomy that preserves beyond the skin also the nipple with reconstruction using autologous tissue.

Prof. Shabtai Moshe – Surgeon, expert for breast surgery and neck surgery, plastic surgery. Thyroid and parathyroid surgeries.

Prof. Barnea Yoav – Head of the department for plastic surgery, Tel Aviv medical center (Ichilov). Breast oncoplasty, augmentation (mammoplasty), breast implant exchange, breast lift (mastopexy), breast fat grafting, breast reduction, gynecomastia (male breast reduction), congenital breast asymmetry, reconstructive breast surgeries, biologic mesh (ADM), delayed breast reconstruction, body contouring.

Prof. Gur Eyal – Specialist in the department of plastic surgery, the center Tel Aviv Medical Center (Ichilov). Breast augmentation, breast lift, around the nipple surgery, breasts asymmetry correction, breast reduction, male breast reduction, breast reconstruction, tummy tuck surgery, facelift, facial nerve palsy reconstruction, eyelid surgery.

Prof. Haik Yossi – Head of the for plastic surgery department. Head of the center for intensive care for burns, Sheba Medical Center Tel Hashomer. Breast augmentation / reduction / lift, breast reconstruction – oncoplasty, face and neck lift, eyelid lift, eyebrow lift, ears – otoplasty, rhinoplasty (together with ENT surgeon), liposuction, tummy tuck, arm lift – brachioplasty, hip lift.

Dr. Leshem David –  Unit Director of the  for craniofacial surgery. Head of the plastic surgery department and a plastic surgery clinic, Tel Aviv Medical Center (Ichilov). Rhinoplasty, breast reduction surgery in men and boys, male breast surgery, breast augmentation, abdominoplasty in men and women, face and neck lift, upper and lower eyelid surgery, liposuction.

Prof. Tsilinsky Yitzhak – Expert for plastic surgery and Mohs surgeries, Herzliya Medical Center. Micrographic surgery MOHS, reconstructions of facial defects after removal of tumors, after unsuccessful facial reconstructions, following accidents and birth defects.

Prof. Chaim Gutman – Director of the oncological surgery unit at Rabin Medical Center. Surgery professor at the Medicine School of Tel Aviv University. A Chairman of the Israeli company, specialized on oncological surgery, member of American and European oncological society. Soft tissues tumor resection, melanoma excision, breast surgery (mastectomy, lumpectomy, breast reconstruction), sentinel lymph node biopsy SLNB.

Prof. Gutman Mordechai – Head of the center for Geriatric Surgery, Medical Center Sheba Tel Hashomer. General surgery and oncological surgeries, with an emphasis on breast diseases, diseases of the digestive system and general surgical operations, including hernias of all kinds, gallbladder, colon, stomach, pancreas and more.

Dr. Zipel Dov – Head of the Oncological Surgery unit, Sheba Medical Center Tel Hashomer. Responsible at Sheba Hospital for the surgical treatment of melanoma. Member of the Ella Melanoma Research Institute team at the Cancer Treatment Center, Sheba. A senior doctor at the Merav Breast Health Center and is responsible for breast surgery.

Dr. Sharon Eran –  expert of general and oncological breast surgery, the director of the breast health center, Beilinson Hospital.

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Bone tumors and sarcoma

Prof. Merimski Ofer –  Deputy Director of Oncology department. Head of the unit for skeletal and soft tissue cancer. Head an oncology follow-up clinic, Tel Aviv Medical Center (Ichilov)

Dr. Ben-Ami Eitan – Deputy director of the Oncology institute, Sheba Medical Center

Dr. Zer Alona – Head of oncology department, Rambam Medical Center

Dr. Katz Daniela – Former director of Breast malignancy and sarcoma service at the Shamir Hospital’s Cancer Institute, Assaf Harofeh

Prof. Bar-Sela Gil – Head of the Cancer center “Beit Shulamit”, Emek Medical Center.

Dr. Zik Aviad – Senior physician in the Oncology department, Hadassah Medical Center.

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Digestive System Cancer

Prof. Ben-Aharon Irit – Director of the Oncology Department, Rambam medical center

Prof. Brenner Baruch – Senior physician of Oncology Department, Davidoff Center, Billinson Hospital

Dr. Geva Ravit – Unit Director for research and Deputy director of the Oncology Department, Tel Aviv Medical Center (Ichilov)

Prof. Wolf Ido – Director of the Oncology Department, Tel Aviv Medical Center (Ichilov)

Dr. Tahover Esther – Specialist doctor, Oncology department, Assuta Hospital

Dr. Shaham-Shmueli Einat – Director of the Digestion Oncology Unit, Sheba Tel Hashomer Medical Center

Prof. Shtamer Salomon – Head of the Research Unit and the Deputy director of The Oncology Institute. Responsible for Internship program and a manager of Trubman Research center, Beilinson Hospital

Dr. Yampolsky Igal – Expert for general surgery. Expert for general surgery. Hernias in the groin and navel, hernias in the surgical scar, complex hernia surgeries, and abdominal wall reconstruction, proctology, gallbladder surgery, breast surgery.

Dr. Karin Eliad (Adi) – Managing Director of the Abdominal wall surgery service in the surgical division, Tel Aviv medical center (Ichilov). Complex reconstructions of hernias in the abdominal wall, inguinal hernia laparoscopic or open approach, laparoscopic hernia repair of the abdominal wall, laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

Prof. Hubert Ayala – Head of the unit for tumors in the digestive system treatment, Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center.

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Urological oncology

Prof. Berger Raanan – Head of the oncology department Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer

Dr. Neuman Victoria – Head of Unit, oncology hospital, at the Davidoff Center, Beilinson Hospital

Dr. Keizman Daniel – Oncology Specialist, Head of the onco-urology unit, Oncology department, Tel Aviv Medical Center (Ichilov)

Dr. Rosenbaum Eli – Head of uhe unit urological oncology, Davidoff Center, Billinson Hospital

Dr. Peer Avivit – Senior physician. Manager of clinical studies in the Oncology Department, Rambam Medical Center.

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Melanoma and Skin Cancer 

Dr. Shapira Frommer Roni – Head of the Ella Malbaum Institute for immuno-oncology and melanoma, Sheba Medical Center Tel Hashomer


Best Onco-Gynecologists

Prof. Safra Tamar – Head of the center for women’s cancer center, Tel Aviv Medical Center (Ichilov)

Dr. Galinsky-Zoref Dalia – Senior doctor in the breast oncology unit and specialist in gynecology-oncology, Davidoff Cancer Center, Beilinson Hospital

Dr. Levavi Hanoch – former Head of the gynecology oncology unit at the women’s hospital, Beilinson

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Gynecology-oncology surgery

Prof. Eitan Ram – Director of the unit for gynecology and oncology at Women’s Department, Beilinson. Surgeries to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer. Early detection and prevention of cervical cancer – colposcopy, follow-up and advice regarding early detection, prevention and treatment of pre-cancerous changes in the cervix. Fertility preservation in oncology patients – ovarian tissue transplant surgery, surgery to divert the uterus during pelvic radiation.

Dr. Beiner Mario – Director of  the unit for gynecology oncology, specialist in gynecology and endoscopic surgery (laparoscopic and robotics), Meir Medical Center. Complex gynecological problems and malignant diseases of gynecological origin such as cancer of the uterus, ovaries and cervix. Minimally invasive approaches (laparoscopy and robotic) and hysteroscopy, colposcopy and treats women with an abnormal cervical pap smear (PAP). Surgeries for uterine cancer cervix or ovaries. Hysterectomy, oophorectomy or ovarian cysts, conization, hysteroscopy, scrapings.

Prof. Ben-Baruch Gilad – Senior physician in the gynecology and oncology department, former director of the department, Sheba Medical Center Tel Hashomer. Treatment of malignant or pre-malignant tumors in the genitals – ovary, uterus, cervix, vagina, anus – and trophoblast diseases originating from the placental tissue.

Prof. Grisaru Dan – head of the gynecology and oncology department, Lys hospital for maternity and women, Tel Aviv the medical center (Ichilov). Gynecological malignancies and basic research in gynecological cancer and cancer in general.

Prof. Vaknin Zvi – Head of the gynecology oncology unit, Shamir Hospital (Assaf Ha Rofe). All types of hysterectomies (open, laparoscopic, vaginal, robotic). Surgeries to remove tumors of the uterus, ovaries and cervix, including sampling/excision of lymph nodes, diagnostic and surgical laparoscopies including – for resection of cysts, ovaries, fallopian tubes, conization of the cervix, scrapings, diagnostic and surgical hysteroscopies, excision of pre-malignant and malignant lesions in the vulva.

Prof. Perry Tamar – Head the Gynecology Oncology Department, Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center. Diagnosis, counseling and treatment of pre-cancerous and cancerous conditions in the ovary, endometrium, cervix, vulva, preservation of fertility in malignancy, BRCA carriers, gynecological follow-up, laparoscopic and open surgeries, colposcopy.

Dr. Korach Jakob – Head of the department for gynecology and oncology, Sheba Medical Center Tel Hashomer. Mini-invasive operative treatment methods for the ears of the female reproductive system: vagina, uterus, ovaries, uterine tubes, cervix, and also newly formed placental tissue during pregnancy. Organ preservation surgeries, which allow women to carry out and give birth to a child in the future. Vaginal recovery operations after previously experienced interventions or traumas. Genetic studies with assessment of BRCA 1-2 mutations and oncogene RAS.

Dr. Geist Ruti – Senior consultant in the fields of urogynecology, endometriosis surgery and childhood gynecology and growing up in the central region. Surgeries for disorders of the pelvic floor (prolapse, thinning with age, urinary control disorders), plastic surgery of the vulva and vagina, and restoration of the hymen, reconstructive vaginal surgery. Gynecology of children and adolescents.

Dr. Harel Yael – Specialist doctor in the Women’s Department, Sheba Medical Center Tel Hashomer. Gynecology of children and adolescents. Gynecological plastics. Treatment of trauma to the vulva and vagina after a vaginal birth.

Prof. Lavi Ofer – Head of women and maternity department. Specialist in gynecological oncology, Carmel medical center.

Dr. Amit Amnon – Director of the gynecology unit, oncologist, Fishman Oncology Center, Rambam Medical Center.

Dr. Bowman Deborah – Senior physician In the women’s and maternity department, center manager Bat Ami, Hadassah Ein Medical Center. Former chairman of the Israeli company for childhood and adolescent gynecology.

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Dr. Alon Aharon – Unit head for advanced technologies in radiotherapy, Davidoff Center in Beilinson Hospital. Doctor at the Nara Medical center, Beilinson Hospital

Prof. Ben-David Merav – Expert in clinical oncology and radiotherapy. Director of the oncology imaging,  Assuta hospital

Dr. Gutfeld Orit – Director of Radiation Institute, Tel Aviv Medical Center –  Ichilov

Dr. Lawrence Jacob – Director for applied research in radiotherapy center. Specialist in brain tumors and radiotherapy. Senior doctor, the Institute of Radiotherapy, Sheba Tel Hashomer Medical Center

Dr. Simon Zvi – Director of oncological radiotherapy institute, Sheba Medical Center

Prof. Fenig Eyal – Senior physician. Radiotherapy, Beilinson Hospital

Dr. Pfeffer Raphael – Senior radiation physician and the Director of the Oncology Institute, Assuta

Prof. Koren Ben – Head of radiotherapy department, Shaare Tsedek Medical Center.

Dr. Diana Matzewski – Senior Physician at the Radiation Institute, Tel Aviv Medical Center –  Ichilov.

Dr. Jacob Lawrence – Director of the Research Radiobiology Center, Sheba Medical Center.

Dr. Vigoda Mark – Unit director of radiotherapy and imaging, Hadassah Medical Center. Specilaized in the prostate, all types of tumors of the urinary and reproductive systems.

Dr. Mairovitz Amichai – Director of Oncology department, Heritage Oncology Legacy Center. Specialist in oncology, radiotherapy and internal Medicine, Soroka Medical Center.

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Pain Management and Palliation Treatment

Dr. Wayne Shimon –  Expert in psycho-oncology and palliative treatment. Director of the palliative service, Davidoff Center, Beilinson Hospital

Dr. Morag Ophir – Unit manager and an expert in pain medicine and mitigation pain for oncology patients, Sheba Medical Center

Dr. Zabar Ron –  Family doctor and specialist in palliative medicine, founder of “Zabar Medicine” clinics and home hospitalization system

Dr. Talem Rotem – Medical expert in internal medicine and geriatrics. Geriatric service manager in the general hospital and palliative medicine. The Clinic Director for supportive treatment of cancer patients, Ichilov  – Tel Aviv Medical Center

Prof. Charni Nathan – Director of the Unit for oncology pain and supportive care, the Shaare Zedek Medical Center

Dr. Rotenberg Yakir – Chairman of the Palliative team, Hadassah Ein Karem Medical Center.

Prof. Schwartzman Pesach – expert in family medicine, Pain and Palliative Medicine. Director of Palliative unit, the Soroka Medical Center. Director of  Family Medicine and  pain relief Service Department in the southern district of general health services


Dermato-pathology specialists

Prof. Barzilai Aviv – Expert in skin and sexual diseases, pathology with subspecialty in dermatopathology. Head of the dermatology department, responsible for the dermatopathology at the Pathology Institute, Sheba Tel Hashomer Medical Center

Dr. Welner Mariana –  Senior physician and Coordinator in the lung cancer, Oncology Department, Rambam Medical Center.

Prof. Nehushtan Hovav –  Senior physician of the oncology department. Specialist in lung cancer and tumors of the urine and kidney systems, Hadassah Medical Center.

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Best Hematologist of Israel 2022

Dr. Stark Pinchas – Head of the clinic private “Stark Medical”, formerly a clinic center Thalassemia in the hematology at Beilinson Hospital



Dr. Bielorai Bella – Senior Doctor in pediatric hemato-oncology at Safra Children’s Hospital, Sheba Tel Hashomer Medical Center. Specialist in bone marrow transplants in children.

Prof. Ben-Yehuda Dina – Director of the Hematology department, Hadassah Medical Center 

Dr. Jacobi Elad – Manager of the Center for immunotherapy and cellular therapy in children. Department of Hemato-Oncology and bone marrow transplants in the Children’s hospital, Sheba Medical Center Tel ha Shomer. Led the first clinical trials in Israel with CAR-T cells and mitochondria-enriched progenitor cells. Dr. Jacobi is engaged in clinical research and basic research on CAR-T and other cellular therapies.

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Pediatric hemato-oncology

Dr. Levin Dror – Deputy Head of Department. Director of Bone and Tissue Tumor rheumatism in children Service. Head  of the clinic for Pediatric Hemato-Oncology, Medical Center Tel Aviv (Ichilov). Specialist on children’s anemia / lack of blood, spherocytosis, thalassemia in children, enlargement of lymph nodes, iron deficiency, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, hypercoagulability, tendency to bleed, blood problems in newborns, children cancer, children’s sarcoma, lymphoma cancer / lymph node cancer, children’s leukemia / blood cancer.

Dr. Abrahami Gali – Deputy Director of hemato-oncology department, Schneider Pediatrics

Prof. Elhasid Ronit – Head of Pediatric Hemato-Oncology Department, Dana Duek Children’s Hospital, Tel Aviv Medical Center (Ichilov)

Dr. Elitzur Sara – Manager of Hematological malignancies in children unit, Schneider Pediatric Center

Dr. Toledano Helen – Director of the unit for neuro-oncology in the Hemato- Oncology department, Schneider Medical Center Children

Dr. Yalon-Oren Michal –  Director of the service for pediatric neuro-oncology and a senior doctor in the pediatric hemato-oncology department at Safra Children’s Hospital, Sheba Tel Hashomer Medical Center

Dr. Yakubovitz Joan – Head of the hematology unit in the Hemato-Oncology department, Schneider Medical Center

Dr. Stein Jerry – Head of the unit for bone marrow transplantation, Schneider Center

Prof. Toren Amos – Head of the hemato-oncology and bone marrow transplants department, Safra Children’s Hospital, Specialist in pediatrics, hematology and pediatric hemato-oncology, Sheba Medical Center Tel Hashomer.

Prof. Barry Asnat – Head of Service for chronic leukemias in the Hematology unit, Beilinson Hospital

Prof. Herishanu-Yair– Unit Director CLL, the hematological department, Tel Aviv Medical Center (Ichilov)

Dr. Wallach Ophir – Senior physician in the Hematology department. Head of the inpatient hemato-oncology unit at the Davidoff Center, Beit Beilinson Hospital

Prof. Raanani Pia – Headhematology and hemato-oncology unit, Davidoff Center, a specialist in acute and chronic leukemia, Beilinson Hospital 



Dr. Peri Hava – Director of the unit for lymphomas in the hematological system, Tel Aviv Medical Center (Ichilov) Multiple Myeloma

Prof. Avivi-Metza Irit – Head of the Hematology Institute, Medical Center Tel Aviv (Ichilov)

Prof. Cohen-Hava Yael – Director for myeloma unit, hematological department, Tel Aviv Medical Center (Ichilov)


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Best Urologists of Israel 2022

Dr. Braz Yair – Senior Urologist, Bnei Zion Medical Center. Therapist and surgeon for problems in the field of uro-oncology, general urology including urination problems, enlarged prostate, sexual dysfunction.

Prof. Mabjeesh Nicola – Head of Urology Department, Soroka Medical Center. Specialist in oncourology. Laparoscopic / robotic surgery (DaVinci), endoscopic and laparoscopic treatment for tumors in the urinary tract, for renal outlet stenosis (UPJ reconstruction) and ureter, minimally invasive surgeries for prostatectomy.

Dr. Rosenzweig Barak – Director Urological Oncology Service, Sheba Medical Center Tel Hashomer. Specialist in bladder cancer, kidney cancer, prostate cancer, testicular cancer. Cystoscopy, excision of a bladder tumor through the natural opening, robot-assisted benign prostatectomy, hydrocele excision (hydrocelectomy), robotic partial nephrectomy, total (radical) laparoscopic / robotic nephrectomy.

Prof. Beniel Jack – Head of the Urology Department, Beilinson Hospital. Specialist in surgeries of the type: radical resection of the prostate, radical resection of the prostate with robotic surgery (Da Vinci), radical resection of the bladder and tilt or reconstruction, resection of lymph nodes for testicular cancer, benign prostate surgery with an open and a closed approach, excision of tumors from the bladder, orchiectomy.

Dr. Dotan Zohar – Urologist Department Manager, Sheba Tel Medical Center. Bladder cancer surgeries: cystoscopy, endoscopic removal of a cystic tumor (TURBT), radical cystectomy, partial cystectomy, urinary diversion. Chemotherapy before surgery, robotic radical resection of the prostate, partial resection of the kidney with robotic assistance.

Prof. Zisman Amnon – Expert for urological surgery and Head of the Urology department, Shamir Hospital (Assaf Ha Rofe). Oncological urology, robotic and laparoscopic surgeries and treatment of an enlarged prostate with a green laser. Robotic prostate surgery, prostate cancer surgery, prostate biopsy, MRI-based prostate biopsy – fusion biopsy, cystoscopy test, nephrectomy.

Prof. Yossepowitz Ofer – Head of Urological Department, Medical Center Tel Aviv (Ichilov). Robotic prostate surgery, prostatectomy (RPP/SPP), nephrectomy, prostate cancer surgery, TURP surgery, prostate surgery, robotic radical prostatectomy, orchiectomy.

Dr. Laufer Menachem – Senior surgeon urological surgery, Sheba Tel Hashomer. Specialist in general urology and oncological urology, malignant diseases of the urinary system, prostate cancer and bladder cancer.

Prof. Ilan Leibovitz – Head of Urological Department, Meir Medical Center. Oncological urology, diagnosing bladder cancer, radical resection of the kidney, active surveillance management in patients with low-risk prostate cancer, endoscopic surgeries of bladder cancer, resection of a kidney and ureter in cancerous tumors, orchiectomy due to testicular cancer with or without a prosthetic implant, radical excision of the bladder and urinary diversion including reconstructions of the lower urinary system, partial resection and reconstruction of the ureter in situations of cancerous tumor in the ureter, extensive excision of testicular cancer metastases in the retropartoneum (RPLND) with a method of nerve preservation that prevents damage to sperm ejection, excision of cancerous tumors of the kidney that preserves the kidney, radical resection of the prostate with preservation of the erectile nerves, surgeries for penile cancer, prostatectomy because of BPH, hydrocele repair, restoration of continuity of an obstructed ureter.

Prof. Haim Matzkin – former director of the Urology department at the Tel Aviv medical center (Ichilov), specialist in urology Oncological and in prostate tumors. Uro-oncology: prostate cancer and bladder cancer. Transperineal, fusion and random biopsies, brachytherapy-internal radiation to the prostate: total prostate and focal.

Prof. Margel David – Director of the Men’s Health Center, Raphael Hospital. Senior urologist in the urology department in Belinson. Prevention, early detection, diagnosis and targeted treatment of prostate cancer with advanced technologies. A specialist in urological surgery and world-renowned in the field of prostate cancer, who believes in targeted suppression of the tumor with minimal side effects. Founder and director of the clinic for BRCA-carrying men. Fusion biopsies (smart biopsies guided by MRI) as well as focal prostate cancer treatment, Innovative focal treatments using the HIFU, CRYOTHERAPY, NANO KNIFE methods.

Prof. Sidi Ami – Head of the Urological service, Mayanei HaYeshua Medical Center. Benign prostate enlargement, stones in the urinary tract, tumors in the bladder, testicular surgery, varicocella, prosthesis surgeries for the penis (hard and inflatable), urinary leakage surgeries.

Prof. Amiel Gilad – Head of Urology Department, Rambam Medical Center. Surgeries in the field of oncological urology and urinary tract reconstruction, robotic approach, laparoscopic, and open surgeries. Prostate cancer, bladder cancer, kidney cancer, testicular cancer and penile cancer, and performs robotic removal of the prostate, robotic partial nephrectomy and complex urinary tract reconstruction surgeries.

Prof. Pode Dov – Specialist in Urology, Bladder treatments and surgeries, prostate, the testicles, and the reproductive system of the man, Hadassah Ein Medical Center. Early diagnosis of prostate cancer, surgeries of the kidneys, bladder, prostate and testicles. Specialist in the treatment of malignant tumors of the kidneys, bladder, prostate and testicles.

Dr. Kedar Daniel – Expert in Urology Oncology, Head of the urology clinics, Billinson Hospital. Cystoscopy test, prostate biopsy, MRI-based prostate biopsy – fusion biopsy, prostate surgery, TURP surgery, Varicocele and hydrocele surgery

Prof. Ramon Jacob – Director of the department of urological surgery at Sheba Hospital. Professor in the Department of Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University. Urology specialist. Oncological urology, urological surgery, reconstructive and functional urology, robotic surgeries.

Dr. Tsivian Alexander – Head urology department, Head of the laparoscopic and reconstructive urology service , Wolfson Medical Center impotence, sexology, sexual function. TURP surgery, urinary tract surgery, bladder lifting surgery, pyeloplasty – repair of a narrowing at the outlet of the renal pelvis.

Dr. Holland Ronen – Expert in urological surgery. Senior doctor in the unit for stone surgeries in the urology system, Operates the venereal disease clinic (STD), Beilinson Hospital. Premature ejaculation treatment, condyloma treatment, medicines to strengthen erection, syphilis test, treatment of sexually transmitted diseases

Prof. Chen Juza – Prof. Chen is an expert in general surgery and urological surgery. Director of the sexual function clinic, urology department at the Ichilov Hospital. Urological surgery specialist Ramat Aviv Medical Center. A man’s sexual health includes reconstructive surgeries of the penis, uro-oncology, surgeries due to Peyronie’s disease, male fertility includes microsurgery, general urology, implantation of a prosthesis, sexual function.

Dr. Kitrey Noam – senior physician, specialist in neuro-urology, sexual dysfunction, urinary leakage, pelvis problems in women, Sheba Tel Medical Center. Functional urology, urination disorders in women and men, benign prostatic enlargement, lower urinary tract symptoms, overactive bladder, urinary incontinence in women and men, neurogenic bladder, intermittent catheterization of the bladder, chronic prostatitis, chronic pelvic pain & painfull bladder, interstitial cystitis.

Dr. Shoshani Ohad – Senior physician in Urology Unit, Beilinson. Expert in urological surgery with a subspecialty in andrology – a field that includes the areas of male fertility, sexual dysfunction, lack of the male sex hormone (testosterone) and chronic pain in the testicle or pelvis. Azoospermia, MicroTESE – microsurgical sperm extraction, MESA – microsurgical sperm extraction from the epididymis, varicocele, microsurgical varicocele repair, electroejaculation, recovery of the spermatic cords after vasectomy, intravitreal injections, penile implant (prosthesis), Pironi disease (acquired penile scoliosis).

Prof. Greenstein Alexander – Senior Urologist, Rambam Medical Center. All fields of general urology, stones in the urinary tract, disorders and control of urination, urinary tract infections, and sexual function.

Dr. Golomb Jacob – Former senior physician in the urology department and manager of the women’s urology, Sheba Tel Hashomer Medical Center. Urological surgery, specialist in urology, uro-gynecology.

Dr. Vainrib Michael – Center of field Pelvic floor diseases, Meir Medical Center. Cystoscopy test, TURP surgery, prostate surgery, urethroscopy, urodynamic test. Director of a neuro-urology service. Botox injections to the bladder, sacral pacemaker implantation, pelvic surgeries for urinary leakage in women and men, impotence treatments in men and surgeries, prolapse of the pelvic organs, minimally invasive stone surgeries and urinary tumors removal, hydrocele and varicocele repair.

Prof. Stav Jakob – Head of the Neuro-urology unit, Shamir Hospital. CIC– Clean Intermittent Catheterization, Wash bladder with DMSO, Wash bladder with DMSO, urinary bladder wash with hyaluronic acid, urinary bladder lavage with BCG, prostate massage, fitting a Pessary ring, pelvic floor physiotherapy, urodynamics and cystoscopy, botox injection into the bladder, sacral pacemaker implantation, TVT, surgery to correct prolapse of the vaginal walls, artificial sphincter / rack for men suffering from urinary leakage, tumor removal from bladder (TURT), remove a section of the urethra, REZUM – an innovative treatment for an enlarged prostate that preserves sexual function.

Dr. Nadu Andrei – Head of the unit for laparoscopic urology, Beilinson Hospital. Oncorulogy – kidney, bladder and prostate surgery. Minimally invasive (laparoscopic and robotic) procedures. Research in the field of laparoscopic urology: nephrectomy, partial nephrectomy, pyeloplasty.

Dr. Berry Avi – Senior physician in the Urology department, Tel Aviv Medical Center (Ichilov). Surgeries with a portoscopic approach on the adrenal gland, kidneys, ureters, bladder and prostate gland. 

Dr. Golan Shay – Head of the Urological Oncology Service at Beilinson Hospital. Specialist in tiny oncological urology Invasive surgery. Consultations about PSA test for prostate cancer, MRI of the prostate, 4K test, PET PSMA, prostate biopsy, robotic surgery – da Vinci system, CT to evaluate a kidney mass, renal nodule biopsy, bleeding in the urine, urine cytology, urination disorders, lump in the testicle, testicular cancer markers. Robot-assisted radical resection of the prostate, robot-assisted partial kidney resection, laparoscopic nephrectomy, adrenalectomy, transurethral cystectomy (TURBT), transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), open approach enlarged prostatectomy (RPP/SPP), orchiectomy.

Dr. Gur Uri – Specialist in reconstructive urology, urethral operations, urine leakage in men and sexual dysfunction, Meir Medical Center. Circumcision surgery (in boys/adults), hydrocele / varicosele repairs, orchiectomy (with/without implanting a prosthetic testicle), surgeries for benign prostate enlargement TURP, operations for bladder tumors (TURBT), correction of genital deformities, cystoscopy and stones removal in the bladder, urethral enlargement, using an OPTILUME balloon, urethroscopy for crushing stones in the ureter and/or kidney, congenital curvature of the penis, vasectomy, penile prosthesis implantation, urinary leakage repair surgeries in men. 

Dr. Katz Shalom – Expert in urological surgery, pioneers of the prostate evaporation method in Israel, doctor at Assuta Ramat Hayal Hospital. SPP (Suprapubic Prostatectomy), RPP (Retropubic Prostatectomy), TURP surgery, prostate surgery using the vaporization method, prostate reduction methods without surgery, TUIP, laser surgeries, prostate reduction without surgery and without anesthesia.

Dr. Sagy Itay– Expert in urological surgery, oncological urology and robotic surgery. Senior physician in the urology department, Meir Medical center. Prostate cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer and urothelial cancer, adrenal nodules. Reconstructions in the urinary system, urinary disorders and benign enlargement of the urethra, fusion prostate biopsies, RALP robotic surgery for radical resection of the prostate while preserving the erectile nerves, robotic and laparoscopic partial nephrectomy, complete nephrectomy, ureterectomy, bladder irrigation due to tumor, TURT, reconstruction of the bladder with bowel, robotic bladder surgery, robotic or laparoscopic adrenalectomy, TURP, hydrocele repair, cystoscopy.


Best Children Urologists, birth urology defects

Prof. Ben Chaim Jakob – Director of the Pediatric urology unit at Dana Hospital Duak for Children, Tel Aviv Medical Center (Ichilov). Hypospadias, urinary tract infections, stones in the urinary tract, obstructions in the urinary tract, problems in the urethral orifice, accumulation of fluid in the testicle.

Dr. Ben Meir David – Head of the Urology Unit, Schneider Medical Center Children. Problems of torn testicle, hydronephrosis, hydrocele in newborns/children, hypospadias, stenosis of the urethral orifice – myatotomy, reflux in the urinary tract, testicular prosthesis implants, cosmetic repairs of the penis, varicocele, treatment of posterior urethral valves, orthocele, complete and partial nephrectomy, laparoscopic and microscopic surgeries.

Prof. Livne Pinchas – Expert in pediatric urology, Herzliya Medical Center. Urological surgery, pediatric urology. Tamir testicle, varicocele and hydrocele surgery, cystoscopy test, myatotomy, testicular fixation, circumcision.

Prof. Mor Yoram – Director of the pediatric urology unit at the hospital Edmond and Lily Safra for children, Sheba Tel Hashomer Medical Center

Dr. Morag Roi – Senior pediatric urologist, Schneider Pediatric Center. Kidney stones in children, hypospadias, reflux of urine, Tamir testicle surgery, narrowing at the outlet of the renal pelvis, bedwetting in children, Hydrocele, varicocele in children, vasectomy.

Dr. Naaman Amos – Specialist in urology. Head of the children urology unit, Shamir Hospital (Assaf Ha Rofe). Pediatric and adult urology, medical circumcision, adult circumcision, undescended testicle, hypospadias – congenital deformity of the penis and urethra, TURP – treatment of an enlarged prostate, hydrocele in children – water in the testicles, orchiectomy and treatment of a malignant tumor in the testicles, inguinal hernia in children, cystoscopy.



Dr. Aharoni Shahar – Senior physician in the Urology department, Beilinson Hospital. Specialist in neuro-urology, women’s urology, urodynamics and reconstructive surgery of the pelvic floor in women and men, enlarged prostate surgery REZUM, urine leaks women/men, Buklamid injection, TVT, sphincter implantation after AVS prostatectomy surgery, urodynamics, a function test of the urinary system.

Dr. Gilon Gabi – Chief physician at Beilinson Hospital in the field of functional urology. Bladder dysfunction, urinary leakage in women and men, urinary tract infections, urethral surgeries in women, pelvic floor surgeries, implantation of an artificial urinary sphincter in men, botox injections to the bladder.


Male fertility Specialists

Dr. Madgar Igael – Expert in urology and male fertility. Head of Assuta Suprem Sperm Bank, Hospital Asuta. Cavernous fibrosis, penile curvature (corporoplasty), circumcision in  children and adults, urethra and bladder, prostate, urolithiasis treatment.

Prof. Sofer Mario – Director of the endoscopic urology unit, Tel Aviv Medical Center (Ichilov). Specialist in endourology, urinary tract treatments, endoscopic surgeries for the treatment of stones, deformities, malignant diseases, injuries secondary to physical injuries, minimally invasive treatments of prostate using a laser, kidney-preserving surgeries.

Prof. Raviv Gil – Director of the unit male fertility. Senior doctor in the urology department, impotence, sexual function and visualization specialist, Sheba Tel Medical.

Dr. Shafi Shay – Man fertility specialist. Head andrology clinic, kidney stones. Pain in the testicles, low testosterone, varicocele, microsurgery in male fertility, the modern treatment of azoospermia, microTESE or MESA, sperm test, DNA fragmentation test, WBC test.



Dr. Winkler Hari – Urologist, Herzliya Medical Center. Urethroscopy, cystoscopy test, TURP surgery, kidney stones, endourology, prostate and bladder tumors surgery.

Prof. Lifshitz David – Head of the Minimally Invasive Urology Unit, Sharon, Hospital (Rabin). urological surgery. Endourology treatments, stones in the urinary system, urethroscopy, cystoscopy test, prostate biopsy, ureteroscopy (RIRS), PCNL, extracorporeal wounding (ESWL), tumor resection of the collecting system (TCC), laser cystolithotripsy.

Dr. Kleinman Nir – Head of the endourology unit, Sheba medical center Tel Hashomer. Urethroscopy, PCNL, TURR, Cystoscopy.

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