Best orthopedists from Forbes list 2024 – Second Opinion and Consultation

Orthopedists Forbes 2024 in Israel

Dear patient,

Below you will find a list of leading Israeli orthopedists who were included in the Forbes Doctors 2024 list.

We have selected orthopedic doctors from a Forbes list who provides consultation on problems with joints, complex fractures, and injuries.

Choose your Orthopedists in Israel from Forbes 2024

Managers of Hospitals‘ Departments and Research


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Best Orthopedists Forbes Doctors 2024 in Israel

Knee and Hip Surgeons in Israel Forbes Doctors 2024

Knee joint treatment in Israel at the best orthopedists

Dr. Aviram Gold – Senior Deputy Director of the Orthopedic Division, Arthritis Unit and the Minimally Invasive Surgery Unit, Sourasky Medical Center, Ichilov

Dr. Nimrod Snir – Head of the Joint Surgery Unit, Orthopedic division, Sourasky Medical Center, Ichilov 

Prof. Gabriel Agar – Head of Orthopedic Department, Assaf Harofe Medical Center

Dr. Ron Arbel – Orthopedic surgery specialist. Former Head of Sports medicine Service, medical center Tel Aviv, Ichilov

Dr. Vadim Benkowitz – Director of the joint transplant unit at “Soroka” hospital. Chairman of the Israeli Society for Knee and Hip Joints, Orthopedic Association

Doctor Yaron Berkowitz – Head of the Orthopedic Department at Hillel Yaffe Hospital. Knee and hip joints 

Prof. Debi Ronen – Head of Orthopedic Department, Barzilai Hospital. Knee and Hip Surgery

Prof. Shmuel Dekel – Head of Advanced Orthopedics Center, Assuta Hospital Tel Aviv

Prof. Michael Dexler – Head of Orthopedic Department, Assuta Hospital Ashdod 

Doctor Aharon Menachem – Former Head of Joint Replacement Unit, Tel Aviv Medical Center Sourasky, Ichilov

Doctor Bezalel Peskin – Director of the Knee Arthroscopy Unit, Rambam Medical Center

Dr. Gideon Burstein – Senior Surgeon of the Orthopedics Department, Sheba Medical Center.

Hand and Elbow Surgeons in Israe Forbes Doctors 2024

Leading orthopedic doctors for wrist and hand in Israel

Dr. Tamir Pritish – Director of the Hand Surgery Unit, Sourasky Medical Center, Ichilov 

Dr. Yishai Rosenblatt – Director of Elbow Surgery Unit, Sourasky Medical Center, Ichilov Hospital

Dr. Erez Avishai– Director of the Hand Surgery Unit, Shamir Hospital – Assaf Harofeh. Hand and Elbow Surgeon

Dr. Ram Palti – Deputy Director of the Department of Hand Surgery, Sheba Medical Center

Dr. Yona Yaniv – Senior Surgeon of the Hand Surgery Department, Sheba Medical Center

Shoulder Specialists in Israel Forbes Doctors 2024

Leading orthopedic doctors for elbow and shoulder in Israel

Prof. Eran Maman – Director of the Shoulder surgery unit, Sourasky Medical Center, Ichilov Hospital

Prof. Ofir Chechik – Senior Deputy Director of the Orthopedic Division, Sourasky Medical Center, Ichilov Hospital

Dr. Ofer Rak – Senior Physician in the Shoulder Unit, Sourasky Medical Center, Ichilov

Doctor Ariel Oren – Head of Shoulder Unit, Sheba Medical Center

Prof. Ehud Aton – Orthopedic surgery specialist. Shoulder surgery and innovative treatments which replace surgery

Doctor Gabriel Moses – Ex Head of Shoulder Surgery Unit, Orthopedics Department, Sourasky Medical Center, Ichilov Hospital

Best orthopedists from Forbes list 2024 - Second Opinion and Consultation

Dr. Elchanan Luger – Director of the foot and ankle surgery unit, Sourasky Medical Center, Ichilov Hospital

Dr. Zvi Cohen Deputy Director of the Orthopedic Division, Director of Orthopedic Outpatient Clinics, Sourasky Medical Center, Ichilov Hospital

Dr. Alexey Rubitsky – Repair of complex deformities and fractures, sports injuries to the foot and ankle, Elisha Hospital 

Doctor Menachem Zinger – Specialist – pediatric orthopedist in Hod Hasharon and Herzliya

Dr. Eitan Segev –  Director of the Correction of limb deformities and imbalances Unit, Department of Pediatric Orthopedics, “Dana-Duek” Children’s Hospital, Sourasky Medical Center, Ichilov

Prof. Mati (Matitiahu) Nof  – Head of ankle and foot surgery department, Shaare Tzedek Hospital, Israel

Dr. Shlomo Elias – Ankle and foot surgeon

Dr. Natan Brook – Director of the ankle and foot Unit at Sheba Hospital, Tel Hashomer. Ankle and Foot Surgeon

Prof. Shai Tanenbaum – Senior physician and surgeon in the orthopedic surgery unit at Sheba Tel Hashomer Hospital. Specialist in ankle and foot surgery

Dr. Nir Sher-Luria – Director of Pediatric Orthopedics at the Sheba Medical Center

Spine Specialists in Israel Forbes Doctors 2024

Leading Israeli oncologist and orthopedists

Prof. Zvi Lider – Director of the Spine surgery unit, Sourasky Medical Center, Ichilov Hospital

Dr. Morsi Khashan – Senior Physician, Spine Surgery Unit, Neurosurgery Department, Sourasky Medical Center, Ichilov Hospital

Prof. Gilad Regev – Director of the Service for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, the Neurosurgical Unit and the Orthopedic Division, Sourasky Medical Center, Ichilov Hospital

Doctor Yigal Mirovsky – Senior orthopedist at the Shamir hospital, Assaf Harofeh

Dr. Ilya Pikarsky – Senior Physician, Orthopedics Specialist at the Spine Department, Meir Medical Center. 

Doctor Alon Friedlander – Head of Spinal deformities Unit, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer

Dr. Motty Kramer – Spine Surgery Specialist, Herzliya Medical Center. Head of Spine Surgery Department, Assuta Ashdod

Trauma and Fracture Treatment Specialists in Israel – Forbes Doctors 2024

Best orthopedists from Forbes list 2024 - Second Opinion and Consultation

Prof. Amel Huri – Director of the orthopedic division, Sourasky Medical Center, Ichilov Hospital

Prof. Eli Steinberg – Senior Deputy Director of the Orthopedic Division, Sourasky Medical Center, Ichilov Hospital

Dr. Amir Korengrin – Director of the Orthopedic Trauma Unit at Soroka University Center in the years 2005-2022

Doctor Nachshon Shazar – Director of Orthopedic and Traumatology Department, Sheba Medical Center Tel Hashomer, Israel

Oncological Orthopedists in Israel – Forbes Doctors 2024

Best ENT doctors in Israel 2022 - Forbes

Dr. Shlomo Dadia – Director of the Center for Surgical Innovation and 3D Implants Printing, Senior Deputy Director of the Oncology Orthopedics Department, Sourasky Medical Center, Ichilov Hospital

Dr. Amir Sternheim – Director of the national unit for oncological orthopedics, Sourasky Medical Center, Ichilov Hospital

Doctor Israel Weiss – Specialist in orthopedic surgery in the Oncology Orthopedics Unit at Sheba Medical Center Tel Hashomer 

Doctor Boaz Lieberman – Deputy Director of the Orthopedic Department, Director of the Oncology Orthopedics Service Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer

Doctor Yair Grochak – Head of Pediatric Orthopedic Oncology, Deputy Head of the National Pediatric Orthopedic Oncology Unit, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Ichilov

Sports Medicine Specialists in Israel – Forbes Doctors 2024

Leading neurooncologists on brain cancer in Israel

Dr. Guy Morag – Head of the sports medicine service, Sourasky Medical Center, Ichilov Hospital

Prof. Ehud Rath – Director of the Minimally Invasive Orthopedics Unit, Sourasky Medical Center, Ichilov Hospital

Doctor Moshe Yaniv – Director of the Sports Medicine and Arthroscopic Surgery Service, Department of Pediatric Orthopedics, “Dana-Duek” Children’s Hospital

Dr. Dror Lindner – Deputy Head of Orthopedics Department, Shamir, Asaf Hospital. Senior doctor in the Sports Injury Unit, Expert of arthroscopic surgeries. Secretary of the Israeli Society for Knee Arthroscopy

Dr. Ran Thien – Specialist in sports injuries and arthroscopy 

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All Doctors from Forbes 2024

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