Eyes tests

Before starting treatment an Israeli ophthalmologist must examine the current state of the eyeball and visual acuity. During the examination primary diagnostics is carried out, and if required more complex procedures – eye CT scan or retinal scan are performed.



Leading Eye Doctors 



Preliminary diagnostic program will be based on your medical files and records, taking into account your complaints and symptoms.


You must take all eye drops with you to Israel as well as glasses (if any), and specify all drugs used for treatment.




Eye examination includes:

    – visual field test

    – visual acuity test

    – eyelids, conjunctiva, cornea condition assessment 

    – anterior chamber, iris and pupil condition assessment 

    – intraocular pressure measurement

    – lens and retina assessment 

    – retinal scan


In some cases, optical coherence tomography or OCT may be required.


Since we follow doctor’s instructions, we will coordinate your examination and transfer to the hospital, specified by the doctor. We will provide oral and written translations. Doctor’s report will contain diagnosis and treatment recommendations.


If surgery is necessary according to the diagnosis results, we will promptly arrange it in the hospital, specified by the doctor. Before the operation, you will have a clear view about all the details, possible results, risks and benefits of the surgery.


We will help you to purchase medications in Israel.



*The content of this page is for informational purposes only and is not considered medical advice, a professional opinion, or a substitute for consulting a specialist in any field. If you have any medical concerns, you should consult a doctor.

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We will promptly coordinate a doctor consultation and medical treatment in Israel.

Tel / Whatsapp / Viber +972 54 803 45 32 info@resultmed.com

*Authorized by Israel Ministry of Health
מס פניה:#622301

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